Amigos dão nugget de frango para vegana bêbada e vão parar na polícia

vegana bêbada

Ativista não gostou da comida ingerida enquanto estava em estado alterado de consciência.

Segundo a FOX Beaumont, um encontro entre amigos não acabou bem nos Estados Unidos.

Uma mulher (que postou o relato de forma anônima do Reddit) declarou que ficou (muito) bêbada em uma festa e seus amigos ofereceram, como pegadinha, nuggets de frango durante a bebedeira.

A denunciante, que é vegana há mais de 3 anos, só foi descobrir que comeu nuggets quando assistiu ao vídeo no snapchat. No momento da ingestão, ela chegou a perguntar se o produto era “vegan”. Eles disseram que sim, e que o nugget era “alimentado pelo sol”.

A mulher deu parte na polícia e todos os amigos envolvidos na pegadinha serão processados.

O lamento, na sua versão original como publicada no Reddit:

Throwaway for anonymity sake incase this does go further.

To preface this, I (24F) am vegan, and have been for a good 10 years. I have not eaten meat since I was roughly 3-4 years old when I found out where meat comes from (spoiler alert: there were a lot of tears). This is no secret and everyone in my life knows and respects this – or so I thought.

Four nights ago, I was at a party and I will admit, I got white girl wasted. My friends thought it would be funny to feed me chicken nuggets as a prank. I checked with them before chowing down “are these vegan?” To which my friends replied “yeah, they’re sunfed” (a type of vegan chickenless chicken). They tasted off to me but I figured it was just because I was drunk. I was wrong.

I found out the next day when my sister sent me a message telling me to check my friends Snapchat story. The story was them showing the nugget packaging, and then showing them giving them to me (including the conversation where I asked if it was vegan). The and then later them mocking me and pretending to be me when I found out I ate meat (things like fake crying and yelling “the CHICKENS!!!”). I took a screen recording of the video and took it to the police, on the grounds of food tampering, and now 3 of my (ex) friends are facing charges.

They all think that I’m overreacting to a ‘harmless’ prank, so Reddit, AITA? In my view, they took advantage of my drunken state, tampered with my food, and publically humiliated me. In their view, it was just a prank.

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